Friday, June 6, 2014

5 Foods That Make You Grow Long Hair

Hey everyone! Today, I am going to be talking about foods that help you grow long hair. This isn’t a joke. It’s not like hair grows unconventionally. Beauty happens from within so it’s best to take
care and nourish our bodies so that we look our best. Here are some foods that’ll help grow out your hair:

  1. Eggs. Eggs are filled with proteins and are super delicious. Also, eggs contain vitamin B (biotin) which promotes hair growth.
  2. Fruits and Veggies. These are just amazing. The taste good and they’re good for you. 2 jobs in one. Super delicious! Fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C which gives  your lighter skin and helps your body absorb iron. Very few intake of Vitamin C can give you dry, weak, and brittle hair.
  3. Avocados. Now Avocados are very essential for hair growth because it has a high concentration of fatty acids. It contains collagen and elastin which make the hair soft.
  4. Salmon. I know. I know. All these foods taste superb but Salmon is like paradise. It’s also rich in proteins and Vitamin D which help maintain the hair's strength.
  5. Sweet Potatoes. Rather than eating McDonald's extra large fries every week, you can switch to sweet potatoes. They’re a great source of antioxidant beta carotene. (body turns into vitamin A) Sweet Potatoes help produce and protect the oils that are derived in our scalp even help prevent dandruff. Ew!

If you follow these tips, I can guarantee that your luscious hair will grow. However, hair takes time to grow so don’t expect for a miracle to happen overnight. Hope the tips helped. With best wishes, chow!

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